
Statute of Limitations on Collection?

There is no limit on ho long they can ask you to pay. SOL places a limit on how long they have to file a suit in court to enforce a debt. I do not know of any state that allows a suit after 9 years. They can not sue you and thy can not put anything on your credit report after 7 years, so there's nothing they can do if you say "no". If you really wrote the check, it would be the right thing to do to cover it, but nobody can make you after this long.

1. Why did the CATHOLIC Church stop using COLLECTION PLATES and instead started using Collection NETS?

What can I say that So-crates has not said better?

2. 48 Hour Urine Collection Question?

You need to clarify with them because there are so many tests they run with 24 and 48 hr. urine collections. Some you have to keep on ice and some have a chemical added to the container so you do not have to do this. I could tell you my opinion but if it is not right you would have to restart the collection and waste precious time. If they are not collected correctly they always make you start over

3. SQL Server 2014 Data Collection and Exception

That seems like a programming error. You should try updating with CU1 (release last week), and if it does not work, you should open a case with Microsoft / Microsoft Connect

4. how should i arrange my book collection?

author or favorite 2 least fav honestly i have a kindle fire so i dont have 2 wrry but whatever u like

5. Can you list 12 songs for an album of The Doors' darkest songs, and what would you name this collection?

Subversive songs for philosophy side onePeace FrogUnknown SoldierBreak on ThruRiders on the StormThe EndSoft ParadeMoonlight DriveWhen the Musics OverNight of Stone side two songs for making outEnd of the NightHello I Love youSoul KitchenCrystal ShipIndian SummerL.A. WomanLight my FireYou make me Real

6. What is use of capped collection in mongoDB?

Capped collections allows you to define a fix length/size collection. After the size/no of documents have been reached it will override the oldest document to accommodate new documents. It is like a circular buffer

7. What is in your makeup collection?

I have: *primers (3 tartes, bareMinerals, l'Oreal, E.L.F and Smashbox) *Smashbox tinted moisturizer *Smashbox concealer *bareMinerals touch up veil *mascaras (2 Maybelline and benefit) *eyeliners (NYX, rimmel and Maybelline) *bareMinerals bronzer *bareMinerals blush *brushes (3 bareMinerals, 5 Eco tools and Sonia k-something) *tinted lip balm (2 CoverGirl and 2 Fresh) I have a small collection.. I will be adding more from Tarte's and Stilia this weekend.

8. Is consciousness fundamentally one thing or a "collection of things"?

Some people seem to think a bit of both. There are many different "circuits" in the brain all processing information in their own way. They need some way to communicate with each other to work in unison for the benefit of the organism. The "place" where they meet and compare notes is the consciousness.

9. What actual Beatle records are in your collection?

beatles are dead dude. cut your hair and quit being a hippy

10. Giving names to collection agencies?

Collection companies use the internet for any type of listing to search for somebody. Like white pages, or even google, etc.It depends do you have any piece of Information. But you do not need to give the collection department that. All you have to say to the collection company are two words "Cease and Desist for all calls using this phone number". By federal law, the collection agency has to stop calling that phone number. Every time that they do call keep a record you can sue the collection company for harassment. I heard up to 1000 dollars per call. Good Luck,

11. What's in your makeup collection?

i've got about 3-5 eyeliners,2 24hour eyeliners,2 liduid eyeliners/topliners loadz of lip glosses (dont wear lipstick :P) tooooo many eye shadows, 3 mascaras, eyelash curler, a concealer, foundation, 7 brushes, 1 blusher... n LOADZ more lol and it all has to be branded - either No 7 or Loreal hehe =D

12. Should I learn generics, collection, and collection frameworks in Java for Java certification?

Yes,definitely,you need to learn generics and collections for OCJP. You can follow this link for a more clear view,OCJP Exam Details & Syllabus.Hope this helps

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