According to statistics, in the United States, the penetration rate of LED street lamps is less than 1%. Northeast Group expects that in the United States, the LED and intelligent street lighting market will reach a total of 4.7 billion US dollars by 2025. Obviously, there are still great opportunities in the market segment.
The study notes that law enforcement and public safety officials are particularly pleased with the better visibility of LED street lights. Looking forward to the future, Northeast Group expects that with technological progress, LED street lamps will provide additional energy savings. Specifically, adaptive control and dimming can additionally reduce energy consumption by 20% to 30%.
However, the unfavorable obstacle to the promotion of LED road is the initial funds. The research report points out that 45% of the cities in the survey basically obtain funds from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) to pay for the whole street lighting project. In addition, 36% of urban road lighting projects use arra funds or other forms of funding to provide part of the funds. In most cases, arra funds have gone forever, except for several projects currently under way. Fortunately, the price of SSL is falling, making LED based lighting more affordable and shorter payback period.