Do you want to know about furniture? Here are some frequently asked questions.
1. What is an easy thing to draw (no sick answers please)?
furniture. it's all around you, and you can make it as easy/difficult as you want
2. How much do you spend a month on baby essentials?
Monthly tally of my expenses. Breastmilk - free Diapers - $30 Wipes - $15 Vaseline - $4.00 Rash Cream - $12 (lasts awhile if only used when rashes appear and not at every diaper change) Clothing/Misc. - $30 Probably missing a few things, but everyone was saying having a baby is going to be so expensive, but once you have everything, i.e. clothing, bedding, furniture, swings etc, the monthly expenses are not horrendous. I thought nothing of it! Mind you, if I would have formula fed, maybe I would have felt differently toward the expenses of having a newborn. I think it gets "expensive" (saying that lightly, because it's still not expensive lol) when they start eating the baby food. If you are buying formula, new clothing for your ever growing baby, baby food, wipes, diapers, cream, toiletries etc, it can get costly. But, it's short lived. Soon after the baby food ordeal they are ready to eat off your plate. The things we forgot about and were panicked for (in between pay days) were gripe water (For those colic moments), tylenol (for teething), baby orajel, and some much needed caffeine for those late nights. To be safe, I would have a $30.00 money stash just incase something arises (like, heaven forbid, a trip to the hospital and you have to have spare change for parking... happened to us). Good luck!! Oh, and as for the cloth diapers, I found that they were REALLy expensive if you were not going to use them full on (unless you get the ones that are s/m/l all in one). If you run out of diapers, you could always pin a towel together and line it with a pad (friend of mine has put it to the test and it worked) :)
3. Are Chestnut trees good for firewood?
The nuts were once an important economic resource in the U.S., even being sold on the streets of larger cities, as they sometimes still are during the Christmas season (usually "roasting on an open fire" so their smell is readily identifiable many blocks away). The wood is similar to oak wood in being decorative and very durable. Due to disease, American Chestnut wood has almost disappeared from the market. It is difficult to obtain large size timber from the Sweet Chestnut, due to the high degree of splitting and warping when it dries. The wood of the Sweet Chestnut is most used in small items where durability is important, such as fencing and wooden outdoor cladding ('shingles') for buildings. In Italy, it is also used to make barrels used for aging balsamic vinegar. The bark was also a useful source of natural tannins, used for tanning leather before the The wood is straight-grained, strong, easy to saw and split, and lacks the radial end grain found on most other hardwoods. The tree was particularly valuable commercially since it would grow at a faster rate than oaks. Being rich in tannins, the wood was highly resistant to decay and therefore used for a variety of purposes, including furniture, split-rail fences, shingles, home construction, flooring, piers, plywood, paperpulp, and telephone poles. Tannins were also extracted from the bark for tanning leather. Although larger trees are no longer available for milling, much chestnut wood has been reclaimed from historic barns to be refashioned into furniture and other items. "Wormy" chestnut refers to a defective grade of wood that has insect damage, having been sawn from long-dead blight-killed trees. This "wormy" wood has since become fashionable for its rustic character. It can burn so it is a firewood but it is more valuable than that!!
4. do you clip your kitty's nails?
It's easy and it can save a lot of wear and tear on your arms, legs, and furniture. In a kitten you can get away with using human nail clippers, but for an adult cat you should buy pet ones. Gently squeeze the toe to make the claw come out, and nip it off just above where the nail gets wide. Avoid the pink part inside the nail, it's called the "quick" and it will bleed if you nick it. You can wrap the cat in a towel and pull out one leg at a time to make it easier, or for a kitten, trim the nails when it's sleeping. You can usually get 1-2 paws done by the time it's awake enough to realize what you are doing.