What Is the Most Iconic Video Game System of All Time?

There are three most iconic video game system in my opinion, which are :-1). Final Fantasy 8 Junction System.Usually when people say Magic, it usually means something that they could use for offense, defense or healing.

But in FF8, they removed armour completely and used Magic as means of Defensive in its place. And I donu2019t mean just casting Shell, Protect and such like what we usually do but to actually put that magic into the person so it could act as a sheild and armour for the junctioned party. We could also increase the HP, strength, speed and all the other atribute tremendously and it makes the game interesting to play.

2). Chrono Crossu2019s Elemental systemAt first glance, this system seems to be a simple one. Understand which is opposite element and use it.

However, as you move further in the story, you will understand that this is NOT as easy as it could seems. Your character and the enemy characters are bound by certain elements, which means if your character is opposite of the enemyu2019s element, the enemy will keep using its skills, forcing the elemental grid to move toward its advantage, creating a uphill battle for you. Serge for example is White and Lynx is Black, which means that if you control Serge, you must create more White elemental field so you can do more damage to Lynx.

Problem here is that your elements and your skills are LIMITED while your opponent could use his or her skill every couple of turns.Another problem here is not all elements are in the desired color. Healing items for example comes in Red, Green and Blue elements (usually, unless some status healing elements like Panacea which is White).

This force you to use different colors throughout the game.3). Vagrant storyu2019s Weapon System.

Now hereu2019s a classic that could really make young gamers today scratch their heads like a liced chocobos. Never have I came across any weapon system since this game or to this day, which was as complexed as this gameu2019s weapon system.At first glance, you pick up a weapon and armour (all of them are procured from site, usually from the enemiesu2019 loots) and if these items do not fit you properly, you can break them apart, take their parts and combine it to make a new one.

Simple enough, you may think. Here are the problems :Affinity systemAffinity system is where the game divides the enemies into six (6) categories as stated above. Everytime you use a weapon to kill one enemy, it could increase the affinity to that enemy and reduce affinity of others.

Lucky for us, the affinity comes in pairs - Humans and Beast as one pair and Undead and Phantoms as another pair. I usually use a polearm (long spear) for a dragon and a crossbow for Evil. Which means you must carry with you four pair of weapons on you at all times.

Luckily armor doesnu2019t come in the same way but shields does.The weapon modificationnVagrant story has the more extensive weapon modification system I had ever seen in ANY game to this day. Every weapon, armour and sheild in the game can be broken down to parts and modified and unless you spend hours in front of the workshop menu and writing it down, it is impossible for you to get something good.

Donu2019t believe me? Just look at the guide below.In summary, it is extensive and brilliantly thought-out systems like this which made classic games like Final Fantasy 8, Chrono Cross and Vagrant story some of the best classic games of all times.

There are other games which have unique systems as well, worth mentioning - like Vandal Hearts, Final Fantasy Tactics, Breath of Fire, Chrono Triggeru2019s combination attack system etc, but these three are the ones Iu2019m most familiar with

· Related Questions

Why did the whites lose the Russian Civil War?

There are five answers so far and none of them hit the nail on the head. It really wasn't disunity that was the downfall of the White movement.

There were some political intrigues and attempts at power-grabbing but there were few and weak. There was a clear goal to the movement - defeat of Bolshevism. It doesn't get any clearer than that.

It also wasn't because there were too many chiefs and not enough indians. Combat veteran officers went in and became privates. While they weren't happy about it but they did, in scores.

Apart from being spread out to different parts of country and not being able to unite, White movement came short is on three key aspects - industry/logistics, propaganda and numbers. Russian Empire was mostly an agricultural country still and industry that it did have was concentrated in European part, around Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Those areas fell to Bolsheviks right away, and that's were most of war time production was taking place. There was some in Urals, most notably Izhevsk (which didn't buy into Bolshevism and fought against them). The logistical problems was that most railroads led to and from the European part of the country, so White movement which was the strongest in the South of the country was completely cut off from Urals and those military plants that rejected Bolsheviks.

That also means that White movement in the South was cut off from all the resources from Urals, Siberia and North East. I wonu2019t go into detail about the fact that Bolsheviks got a hold of Russian treasury and most of the wartime materiel, something that Whites acutely lacked, especially in the beginning, during Ice March and the time when the White army was forming. Most of the supplies that Whites had were captured from Bolsheviks.

In the beginning, the situation was so dire with bullets that there was no other alternative to bayonet charge. (Not to mention lack of artillery ammunition). Same goes for food, clothingu2026 you get the gist.

Next thing that White movement came short on is propaganda. I donu2019t know how and where, but Bolsheviks were indisputable masters of propaganda. Nobody lied more or better.

Their propaganda techniques were so good that they are still working like a charm today. Whataboutism is their baby. I donu2019t know whether reducing everything to soundbites and short slogans was their invention but they massively capitalized on it.

Those techniques work today (especially in US politics nowadays) with depressing effectiveness. Back then, when people were way less educated, they were even more effective. Whites never understood the importance of propaganda and decisively lost on that front.

(Special mention to Bolsheviks developing excellent counter intelligence service and spying networks. Whites lost there as well, also very decisively. )And, of course, the numbers.

This is the biggest one. Bolsheviks had control over territory with more population, by far. And they capitalized on that resource.

While White movement was recruiting volunteers, Bolsheviks installed mass conscription. And hiding from Bolshevik u201crecruitersu201d didnu2019t work either. Theyu2019d come to a village, take hostages until everyone turned themselves in.

So every time Whites would get a victory and destroy a battalion, a division, an army, Bolsheviks came up with more and more soldiers. And, remember, they had control of the railroads and hubs, so they could get those soldiers where they needed to go. Well, they didnu2019t really get a hang of it till later in the Civil War, but still.

Whites never really got into the conscription game. In 1920, most of the additions that came into White Army were captured Bolshevik conscripts that were allowed to fight for Whites (because they werenu2019t really there to fight for Bolshevik cause as much as they were forced to at gunpoint) rather than be imprisoned or executed. There were other reasons, of course, though they are minor.

The ones that I just listed were the main ones.If I missed something, I welcome people to comment.

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