your heart stands out in the global market boosting FOSHAN SAN DUN Furniture CO., LTD's image around the world. The product has a competitive price comparing to the same kind of product abroad, which is attributed to the materials it adopts. We maintain cooperation with the leading material suppliers in the industry, ensuring each material meets high standard. Besides, we endeavor to streamline manufacturing process to reduce cost. The product is manufactured with quicker turnaround time.The SANDUN Furniture brand vision statement charts our course to the future. It is a promise to our customers, markets, and society - and also to ourselves. Co-innovating conveys our determination to continually engage in the co-creation of value with our customers by working with them in long-term partnerships to develop solutions. So far the SANDUN Furniture brand is recognized worldwide.At SANDUN Furniture, customers can get your heart and other products together with more considerate services. We have upgraded our distribution system, which enables a faster and safer delivery. Besides, to better cater to customer's actual need, the MOQ of the customized products is negotiable.