In order to meet customers' expectations and industry standards, products must pass strict quality inspection before leaving the factory. Featuring hypo-allerge
The quality of the product is greatly guaranteed by our state-of-the-art equipment and skilled production and QC teams. The product allows for easy movement and
This product is non-toxic and odor-free. Chemicals that could harm people and the environment are always avoided in its production. It has breathable fabric, al
This product is user-friendly. It is crafted with a person’s size and his or her living environment in mind. The product is not easy to collapse with a solid
This product is strongly resistant to moisture. The components of this product are not prone to the effect of water that will cause rust and mold. The product i
Since our professional quality control personnel track quality throughout the production process, this product guarantees zero defects. Its fire retardant foam
The product is nearly free of porosity. Fired at a high temperature above 1260°C, its body will vitrify, hence the surface will be nonabsorbent. The product is
It has improved thermal performance and condensation resistance. Thermal breaks are incorporated through low conductivity materials such as traditionally PVC, N
It is durable and extremely sturdy. The tough seam and fabric allow it to withstand the abuse of multiple set-ups and tear downs. Its joints are ensured to be t
The product has accurate dimensions. It has gone through the sanding process which aims to make its components to be refined with the exact same size. Its reinf